Study Concludes Breakfast Makes Obese People More Active: Here’s How You Can Make it the Best Meal of the Day!

study concludes

Eating breakfast is the most important thing you can do for your health in the morning. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between weight loss and eating a healthy breakfast. That is because breakfast gives you the energy to be active, and it boosts your metabolism which stimulates weight loss. Below are several great healthy breakfast ideas to get you started.

Nut Butter, Banana, and Chia Seed Toast

This is a fun and healthy twist on an age-old classic – PB and toast. It takes what is typically a kind of plane jane meal and fancies it up with chia seeds and nut butter instead of peanut butter.

Berry and Yogurt Smoothie
There’s nothing better for breakfast than a good ole fashioned smoothie. Berry and yogurts have antioxidants and good bacteria that keep your immune system going strong, boosts your metabolism, and helps your digestive system stay working optimally for that 10:30 bathroom break.

Savory Oatmeal with an Egg
Oatmeal doesn’t have to be plain and boring or tasteless. You don’t have to pour tons of brown sugar in it to make it tasty either. Instead of a sweet oatmeal, try a savory version. Prepare the oatmeal with milk and replace cinnamon or sugar with salt and pepper. Top it over with a poached egg and some cheese.

Quinoa Fruit Salad
This breakfast dish gives you the benefit of eating a bowl of quinoa without having to suffer through the plain quinoa taste. Just toss a cup of quinoa with some fruit, add some honey, basil, and lime, and you have an excellent breakfast quinoa fruit cup.

Avocado Toast with Egg

This is the breakfast of millennials (kudos if you get that reference). It is a simple meal to make, all you need are some lightly toasted slices of whole grain bread and some smashed avocado. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on it and you have a healthy

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